

  • What mobile network operator and OS is supported?

    We support all carriers (SMART, CELLCARD, SEATEL, METFONE) on both iOS & Android.

    We highly recommend using at least iOS 11 or android 8.
    Always update to the latest app version for the best experience.

  • Can I have more than one account?

    For Non-Khmer, you can have only 1 account.
    For Khmer, you can have only 1 account.

  • Can I use the same mobile number to register again?

    If your mobile number has already been used to register before you cannot use the same mobile number again to register.

  • How do I register on Payluy eWallet?

    Payluy eWallet accepts the following registration methods. Just select one of the methods that works best for you.

    1. Mobile Number
    2. Email
    3. Facebook
    4. Google
    5. Sign in with Apple ID (ios devices only)